• Applications for Wave 2 of our combat tests are officially open! Players may only apply for File #6: Dark Sector currently, but we will be opening applications for the remaining tests soon.

    What We Become: Survivor Stories is a series of bite-sized scenarios meant to test our new and improved combat system in action! Our first wave contained 5 different scenarios, all taking place within the What We Become universe. Our second wave will contain 5 more scenarios. If you've been waiting to play on the server, now's your chance!

    Additionally, each scenario has a limited number of slots for each role in the party, as well as an overall participation limit. If you apply for a role/scenario that is already full, you will be asked to apply for a different role/scenario. You can view the number of slots remaining for the current scenario on its respective forum post, linked above.

    Make sure to check out our latest newsletter for information about each of the upcoming combat tests.

What was your favorite Lore/RP Moment?


Sep 4, 2019
For any oldies here from previous lores, what were some of your favorite RP moments? They can be serious, funny, or whatever really. Or just your favorite lore in general?

My favorite lore was actually probably Cold Fear, which is hilarious considering how it was probably the only one to have a happy ending seeing how the apocalypse never ended up happening (it sorta died, unfortunately). Even though it sorta mellowed off pretty quick for some reason, those that did stick around ended up creating some of the best RP sequences I had during all my years here. I made probably my best character then too, and the whole relationship between the APD, the working class residents versus the whole industrialization going on, and everything just created an atmosphere you could really get engrossed in. Many of the characters felt like those out of a TV show or novel, and not just something manufactured in a character creator and given a random backstory and relationships and all that jazz.

The Search for the Eckerts Mission

Also since the top bit was pretty intense here's a grade A funny chatlog instead lol

I always heard that Ashwood Cove was the best lore, though I think that was the one I ended up missing, lmao.


Co-Owner | Resident Gerbil
Staff member
Dumbass Lesbian
Application Master
Aug 26, 2019
My favorite lore is probably the original mall lore! You really can't get as wild as 2015 PZRP. The story may not have made a lot of sense, and it may have been a total disaster, but that was what made it FUN. I have SO many screenshots from that lore. There were too many unforgettable moments to count. No bandit group will EVER be as infamous as the Gundersons were.



Sep 10, 2019
>Be me
>Try out RP server
>Join something they call "lores", sounds interesting
>Walk around, try to find people
>Be nerveous because you literally have no idea what you're doing
>Pay for accomodation
>Leave to find loot
>Return at night, big red text says something about bikers
>Forget that you only met 3 people of which 2 were not part of the group
>Be confused by one of the "enemies" of set group
>Be dragged inside with everyone's guns pointing atme
>Guy you met who is actually part of the group helps me
>Go to the backlines since you're pretty much useless
>AFK to eat
>Return and find out they probably lost
>Be confused by one of their members and be dragged outside, with everyone's guns pointing at me. Again.
>mfw I was almost executed for the crimes of a group that almost killed me
>mfw I almost died twice in the same night



For those that remember this fight... Probably my second favorite gunfight. Which was also the end for my character cold fear.
Well at least in the sense of the lore ending before the apocalypse, she was stuck healing in the hospital till end.

Before the shootout Sunny D rammed into her Ranger truck, leaving a small chase through town with the local law enforcement.


Sep 4, 2019

For those that remember this fight... Probably my second favorite gunfight. Which was also the end for my character cold fear.
Well at least in the sense of the lore ending before the apocalypse, she was stuck healing in the hospital till end.

Before the shootout Sunny D rammed into her Ranger truck, leaving a small chase through town with the local law enforcement.

RIP Skinny D, the best villain. Magdumped by Barry.


Sep 4, 2019
My favorite lore is probably the original mall lore! You really can't get as wild as 2015 PZRP. The story may not have made a lot of sense, and it may have been a total disaster, but that was what made it FUN. I have SO many screenshots from that lore. There were too many unforgettable moments to count. No bandit group will EVER be as infamous as the Gundersons were.

Speaking of the OG Mall Lore, here's just a few (for there were many) more additional goofy highlights.
Kaylee's Memorial (at least I think that was, having to go way back in memory here, lol)

Rip both Barrett and Turner (tho Turner actually got killed not long after this, lmao)

C̷̡̡̩͕̜̱̖̬͚͙͔̬̟̯͋́̾̆͋̂̅͗̏͝ứ̵̡̘͎̼̬̰͉͎͎͕̤̯͇̾̇̊̈́̄͑͋ṟ̵͚̬̘͆͂̈́̍̐̓́̃s̸̨̮͓͖̱͇̫̮̺̣̘̓̒͊̊̚̕ẹ̶̞̫̻͓̟͊̍͊͛̉̐̎̐̀́̈̉͊̋̅ḑ̸͎͈͓͇̱̥̲͎̹̫͚̏͌̌͂̆̉̉̌̅̈́̋̀͘̕ ̷̳͓̜͖̩͈͑̒͗̚Ǐ̶̱͆̋͐m̸̧̢̡̪͉̪̮̲̭̭̣͙̳̺̲͊̍̑́à̶̧̧̛͉̱̮̦̼̠͎͈̠͇͚̜̣̇̓͊̂͒͒͒̏͐͒̈́̕͘g̴̭͇̼̤͉̺̣̥͖̓͗̊è̶̛͈̉̈̈́͗̐̕

Kapono Keanu giving some sage advice


And last but not least the LOTR orc character who killed Tim Favre, one of the last in the Gunderson bloodline, and probably one of the most recognizable characters of that lore. Killed by an orc. (that lore was crazy)
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Aka Andrew and Tucker
Server Contributor
Sep 3, 2019
The Eight Black Roses event was some of the best event work I'd ever got to participate in honestly.
Going through the night to watch more and more of the original nine die off and seeing the end that was set out for them?

Poetic irony.


the GOAT
Sep 7, 2019
The Return of Ander Snoop during Ashwood Cove.

A man had died a rather gruesome death, but a loyal friend made a deal with a being beyond her ken. A life was taken and then a life was given. During a huge storm where the town had taken shelter in the school, a naked man that was/is Ander woke up in the forest with no knowledge that he'd died. A white goat led him out of the trees and back to his fellows and left him there at the door. When he opened it, he found a group of terrified friends and townspeople aghast at his return, who were accusing him of all sorts of horrid things, or BEING a horrid thing, especially when the storm got worse and strange things started happening inside the school...

That was a really fun one. The sincere reactions of shock were really great.

a rabbit

Server Advisor
Sep 22, 2019

I'll never forget when, during the original mall lore, someone tried to paste their character description but forgot they had their character research copied instead.

I'll post some more once I find them

a rabbit

Server Advisor
Sep 22, 2019

Gunderson HQ #1

Gunderson HQ #2

PTSD episode into firing line

The Gunderson family's final moments before they charged into admin buffed npcs and died


Look upon my edge, ye mighty, and despair!
Staff member
The One Who Knows Tilezed
Senior Admin
Social Media Manager
Sep 3, 2019
Corvallis, Oregon

I'll never forget when, during the original mall lore, someone tried to paste their character description but forgot they had their character research copied instead.

I'll post some more once I find them
"Character Research"


Sep 4, 2019

I'll never forget when, during the original mall lore, someone tried to paste their character description but forgot they had their character research copied instead.

I'll post some more once I find them
Didn't Jiri die like 5 seconds later or something else happen with him later down the line? I sorta vaguely remember this character now, lol.


Honestly? What We Become. Ashwood Cove comes in as a very close second.

The first series of events was consistently fantastic, each one presenting a new dilemma to our at the time unseasoned characters, and it was a lot of fun to lead a group through the early days of the apocalypse. Making the hard calls (sometimes the wrong ones) and dealing with the fallout and impact of each decision early on was some of the most fun i've had here, but I doubt it would have been as much fun without the rich cast of characters we had that lore. A few standout moments, for me, would be the opening event - everyone showing up at the mall incrementally, trying to get everybody situated amidst the general chaos that comes naturally with so many people in one place was a really good time. The whole night I followed after Nathan Sanderson (at the time, the mall's leader) as we saw to everyone one by one, adressing crises as they cropped up, such as a hysterical teenager causing dissent or quarantining a man who had been scratched by one of the infected without knowing exactly what caused people to turn just created a really fun atmosphere and in my opinion, a cracker of a launch event.

Another would be the finale of the first series, where I made the (wrong call) of rallying the group to go on a blind suicide mission into the nearby water treatment plant in hopes of finding a doctor who was purported to be in the possession of a cure. Our arrival was met with little resistance as we made our through the access tunnel quietly, making our way into a nearby maintenance station in an effort to restore power to the parking lot's gates, finding ourselves stumped for a little while before we figured out a way to get it back online. After making our way out and opening the gate, shit really hit the fan. More infected than we had prepared for rushed through the gate into the narrow tunnel, surrounding and devouring Violet before any of us could even attempt to save her, leaving us on the retreat towards the highway we came from. We soon found ourselves between a rock and a hard place, surrounded on either side by the infected. Don got his ear shot off, I got bit shoving Thomas out of the way of one of the infected who was keen on making him dinner - only saved by my right hand man's quick thinking in amputating the bitten arm. And so, we went home a few less - the ones who remained were a lot worse off than before, each being affected in their own ways by the things they had seen just trying to get into the plant really set the tone for the rest of the lore.

Our second trip was more successful in a sense, making our way to the elevators and up into the facility where we slowly marched through seemingly endless hallways, coming across countless scenes of brutality on our way to the doctor who claimed to have the cure so many of us were desperately searching for. Shit turned to worse as we reached the lower level storage area, already having lost Chris to a pack of infected hounds, the rest of us equally injured and demoralized as we were faced with a problem - three locked shutter doors, one button on a control panel to open them all. We heard the moans of the infected behind all three, and we quickly consolidated all of our remaining supplies in an effort to give ourselves the best chance at making it through the onslaught. When the doors opened, shit got real messy (most of us died, voided and resurrected tho cause shit was laggy and buggy to fuck). We desperately fought, grabbing weapons as they made themselves known, using every bullet available in an effort to stem the tide of the infected - eventually, the room fell silent. Clarence had been bitten on the shoulder, and Moose had blown his own head off presumably after being bitten himself. We couldn't reasonably go back the way we came - it'd make their sacrifices pointless, and besides; we still believed there to be a cure at the end of the shit-filled sewer, so to speak.

We climbed down a ladder found in one of the storage outcrops under a hatch, finding ourselves in a literal shit-filled sewer as we continued on our way to meet the doctor we had so foolishly believed. The way there wasn't too eventful, finding a hatch in the roof of one of the rooms along the way, and a few of us climbed up while the rest stayed back. We finally met ths doctor, and almost as soon as she opened the door to let us in - she made a mistake, getting her story muddled under questioning. It didn't take long for us to piece together what had happened, and, in a flash of anger, I raised my gun and blew her brains out while she was trying to warn us of an imminent danger. It wasn't long until we met this danger, described in a file we had found shortly after entering the facility, and he made quite an entrance - the giant monstrosity closed the distance surprisingly quickly, crushing Logan's skull with ease. We retreated back the way we came, and, just as the monster broke down the door, we found a way out - breaking through a weak portion of the floor and landing in the infected-filled sewer below. We staggered around for a moment before the sounds of rushing water became more and more apparent - and just as we made an effort to lower a ladder so we could get out, we were washed away by the lightning quick tide. The admins gave us all numbers and ran them through a website - two of us would die, and we sat unsure of who for a while as the results came in. By the time we washed up, two of us were dead - Clarence, impaled on a piece of rebar, Ivy - presumably having drowned. There was no time for mourning, however, as the rickety bars separating us from hundreds of angry looking infected rattled and shook under the weight of the horde. Our guns were water logged, and many of us had lost our weapons in the tide - forced to pick up pieces of trash, rebar, pipes, anything we could get our hands on while still recovering from the effects of being washed away in a tide with the force of a train. The bars came down, and chaos ensued - every man for themselves, more or less, but by the time most of us had reached the ladder out, I noticed we were missing one. Don - my right hand man. Fearing the worst, but knowing I had no choice, I went back down in a futile effort to save Don; joined by Thomas and a few others, we found him, and we were whole again as we got to relative safety. It wasn't to last, however, as the gigantic monstrosity soon made himself known once more as we retraced our steps to freedom - we noticed a door that had previously been locked tight was now destroyed, and we made our way through it. The last of us made his way up the ladder just as the beast arrived, and we all emerged out of the rank tunnels changed men.

Season 2 was a little bit slower, the timeskip taking us a year or so into the future. By the time the last three events rolled around, winter had set in, and the bitter cold nipped at us as a new threat made itself our top priority - a cult of religious fanatics, who, we found out, had originated from the military guard detail of that same water treatment plant. The second to last event saw us procuring a number of military vehicles from a long abandoned bivouac along with a healthy supply of weapons and explosives before I made a speech to the remainder of the group along with some new faces detailing the events that had transpired since the start. We mounted up into our newly acquired military vehicles and drove to the local school, where the cult were holding a sermon of some kind. We arrived too late to catch their leader, Orion, but we managed to slaughter countless cultists through the element of surprise and some well placed explosives. One by one, the survivors were lined up and shot, the repercussions of which would make themselves known soon after. The rumbles of a convoy ended just short of the mall, and everyone was armed to the teeth and in position when the cultists emerged from the trucks and vans that had showed up. Talk began, then talk stopped. Gunfire pierced the Valley's natural serenity as the battle for the mall began, countless cultists being felled by the time the attack stopped, but leaving the mall burning and mostly destroyed. I gave the order to gather food and ammunition before we set out to set up a makeshift camp at the abandoned military bivouac while we considered our next move. Soon after, reinforcements from Bullitt County showed up with a tank platoon to boot, and we made our way to the main camp of the cult - the quarry, to rescue several of our own. The final battle took place, countless rangers, cultists, infected and a number of our own falling during the battle as thousands of rounds were spent in the process of blind hatred and revenge before the quarry's gates opened, infected swarming out in the hundreds - we didn't have long to retreat, but we did. We made our way to a wharf not too far off where we had hidden a boat we had stolen from a trader a few weeks prior, and, when we got there, we were encountered by the remnants of the cult's forces - impeding our escape before Don's sacrifice so we could all make it out.

I only actually got 2 pictures the whole entire lore, one of the end and one of a voided situation that still looked p dope.

Last edited by a moderator:


Look upon my edge, ye mighty, and despair!
Staff member
The One Who Knows Tilezed
Senior Admin
Social Media Manager
Sep 3, 2019
Corvallis, Oregon
Honestly? What We Become. Ashwood Cove comes in as a very close second.

The first series of events was consistently fantastic, each one presenting a new dilemma to our at the time unseasoned characters, and it was a lot of fun to lead a group through the early days of the apocalypse. Making the hard calls (sometimes the wrong ones) and dealing with the fallout and impact of each decision early on was some of the most fun i've had here, but I doubt it would have been as much fun without the rich cast of characters we had that lore. A few standout moments, for me, would be the opening event - everyone showing up at the mall incrementally, trying to get everybody situated amidst the general chaos that comes naturally with so many people in one place was a really good time. The whole night I followed after Nathan Sanderson (at the time, the mall's leader) as we saw to everyone one by one, adressing crises as they cropped up, such as a hysterical teenager causing dissent or quarantining a man who had been scratched by one of the infected without knowing exactly what caused people to turn just created a really fun atmosphere and in my opinion, a cracker of a launch event.

Another would be the finale of the first series, where I made the (wrong call) of rallying the group to go on a blind suicide mission into the nearby water treatment plant in hopes of finding a doctor who was purported to be in the possession of a cure. Our arrival was met with little resistance as we made our through the access tunnel quietly, making our way into a nearby maintenance station in an effort to restore power to the parking lot's gates, finding ourselves stumped for a little while before we figured out a way to get it back online. After making our way out and opening the gate, shit really hit the fan. More infected than we had prepared for rushed through the gate into the narrow tunnel, surrounding and devouring Violet before any of us could even attempt to save her, leaving us on the retreat towards the highway we came from. We soon found ourselves between a rock and a hard place, surrounded on either side by the infected. Don got his ear shot off, I got bit shoving Thomas out of the way of one of the infected who was keen on making him dinner - only saved by my right hand man's quick thinking in amputating the bitten arm. And so, we went home a few less - the ones who remained were a lot worse off than before, each being affected in their own ways by the things they had seen just trying to get into the plant really set the tone for the rest of the lore.

Our second trip was more successful in a sense, making our way to the elevators and up into the facility where we slowly marched through seemingly endless hallways, coming across countless scenes of brutality on our way to the doctor who claimed to have the cure so many of us were desperately searching for. Shit turned to worse as we reached the lower level storage area, already having lost Chris to a pack of infected hounds, the rest of us equally injured and demoralized as we were faced with a problem - three locked shutter doors, one button on a control panel to open them all. We heard the moans of the infected behind all three, and we quickly consolidated all of our remaining supplies in an effort to give ourselves the best chance at making it through the onslaught. When the doors opened, shit got real messy (most of us died, voided and resurrected tho cause shit was laggy and buggy to fuck). We desperately fought, grabbing weapons as they made themselves known, using every bullet available in an effort to stem the tide of the infected - eventually, the room fell silent. Clarence had been bitten on the shoulder, and Moose had blown his own head off presumably after being bitten himself. We couldn't reasonably go back the way we came - it'd make their sacrifices pointless, and besides; we still believed there to be a cure at the end of the shit-filled sewer, so to speak.

We climbed down a ladder found in one of the storage outcrops under a hatch, finding ourselves in a literal shit-filled sewer as we continued on our way to meet the doctor we had so foolishly believed. The way there wasn't too eventful, finding a hatch in the roof of one of the rooms along the way, and a few of us climbed up while the rest stayed back. We finally met ths doctor, and almost as soon as she opened the door to let us in - she made a mistake, getting her story muddled under questioning. It didn't take long for us to piece together what had happened, and, in a flash of anger, I raised my gun and blew her brains out while she was trying to warn us of an imminent danger. It wasn't long until we met this danger, described in a file we had found shortly after entering the facility, and he made quite an entrance - the giant monstrosity closed the distance surprisingly quickly, crushing Logan's skull with ease. We retreated back the way we came, and, just as the monster broke down the door, we found a way out - breaking through a weak portion of the floor and landing in the infected-filled sewer below. We staggered around for a moment before the sounds of rushing water became more and more apparent - and just as we made an effort to lower a ladder so we could get out, we were washed away by the lightning quick tide. The admins gave us all numbers and ran them through a website - two of us would die, and we sat unsure of who for a while as the results came in. By the time we washed up, two of us were dead - Clarence, impaled on a piece of rebar, Ivy - presumably having drowned. There was no time for mourning, however, as the rickety bars separating us from hundreds of angry looking infected rattled and shook under the weight of the horde. Our guns were water logged, and many of us had lost our weapons in the tide - forced to pick up pieces of trash, rebar, pipes, anything we could get our hands on while still recovering from the effects of being washed away in a tide with the force of a train. The bars came down, and chaos ensued - every man for themselves, more or less, but by the time most of us had reached the ladder out, I noticed we were missing one. Don - my right hand man. Fearing the worst, but knowing I had no choice, I went back down in a futile effort to save Don; joined by Thomas and a few others, we found him, and we were whole again as we got to relative safety. It wasn't to last, however, as the gigantic monstrosity soon made himself known once more as we retraced our steps to freedom - we noticed a door that had previously been locked tight was now destroyed, and we made our way through it. The last of us made his way up the ladder just as the beast arrived, and we all emerged out of the rank tunnels changed men.

Season 2 was a little bit slower, the timeskip taking us a year or so into the future. By the time the last three events rolled around, winter had set in, and the bitter cold nipped at us as a new threat made itself our top priority - a cult of religious fanatics, who, we found out, had originated from the military guard detail of that same water treatment plant. The second to last event saw us procuring a number of military vehicles from a long abandoned bivouac along with a healthy supply of weapons and explosives before I made a speech to the remainder of the group along with some new faces detailing the events that had transpired since the start. We mounted up into our newly acquired military vehicles and drove to the local school, where the cult were holding a sermon of some kind. We arrived too late to catch their leader, Orion, but we managed to slaughter countless cultists through the element of surprise and some well placed explosives. One by one, the survivors were lined up and shot, the repercussions of which would make themselves known soon after. The rumbles of a convoy ended just short of the mall, and everyone was armed to the teeth and in position when the cultists emerged from the trucks and vans that had showed up. Talk began, then talk stopped. Gunfire pierced the Valley's natural serenity as the battle for the mall began, countless cultists being felled by the time the attack stopped, but leaving the mall burning and mostly destroyed. I gave the order to gather food and ammunition before we set out to set up a makeshift camp at the abandoned military bivouac while we considered our next move. Soon after, reinforcements from Bullitt County showed up with a tank platoon to boot, and we made our way to the main camp of the cult - the quarry, to rescue several of our own. The final battle took place, countless rangers, cultists, infected and a number of our own falling during the battle as thousands of rounds were spent in the process of blind hatred and revenge before the quarry's gates opened, infected swarming out in the hundreds - we didn't have long to retreat, but we did. We made our way to a wharf not too far off where we had hidden a boat we had stolen from a trader a few weeks prior, and, when we got there, we were encountered by the remnants of the cult's forces - impeding our escape before Don's sacrifice so we could all make it out.

I only actually got 2 pictures the whole entire lore, one of the end and one of a voided situation that still looked p dope.

I actually have a lot of pictures from What We Become. I might as well share a few.



Co-Owner | Resident Gerbil
Staff member
Dumbass Lesbian
Application Master
Aug 26, 2019
What We Become was amazing. It was the reboot the original mall lore needed. Obviously nothing can live up to the original because it was it's own unique thing during the time that New Dawn was the equivalent of the wild west, but I feel like WWB is tied for my fave. I had the most fun I've had in a while during that lore. Sam had amazing character development, probably the best out of any of my characters. I can't wait for us to do something as amazing as that again.

I've got some screenshots too! I'll drop em here. They're in order from most recent to earliest because that's how Steam ordered them.



Look upon my edge, ye mighty, and despair!
Staff member
The One Who Knows Tilezed
Senior Admin
Social Media Manager
Sep 3, 2019
Corvallis, Oregon
How long did you leave that salad outside the burnt gas station anyways?

I know you spent at least 45 minutes spectating me with it in my inventory.


Agent of the Geese Federation
Sep 4, 2019
How long did you leave that salad outside the burnt gas station anyways?

I know you spent at least 45 minutes spectating me with it in my inventory.
So I came up with this scene right before logging on that day. I spent probably an hour trying to position a salad in several peoples paths as they ventured around the map. I believe you were the only one who took the bait. HOWEVER. You decided to wait an EXTRA FORTY-FIVE MINUTES BEFORE EATING THE DAMNED THING. It paid off in the end, but god was it painful following you around till you ate the stupid thing.

Edit: I did a lot of meticulous stalking and timing for some of my mini events that lore. Always worth it in the end though.


Look upon my edge, ye mighty, and despair!
Staff member
The One Who Knows Tilezed
Senior Admin
Social Media Manager
Sep 3, 2019
Corvallis, Oregon
So I came up with this scene right before logging on that day. I spent probably an hour trying to position a salad in several peoples paths as they ventured around the map. I believe you were the only one who took the bait. HOWEVER. You decided to wait an EXTRA FORTY-FIVE MINUTES BEFORE EATING THE DAMNED THING. It paid off in the end, but god was it painful following you around till you ate the stupid thing.

Edit: I did a lot of meticulous stalking and timing for some of my mini events that lore. Always worth it in the end though.
I mean, honestly, OOC, I was scared because I obviously had a feeling that it was going to either kill or drug me.

IC, Clarence was going to take it home and put it in the fridge, but he got hungry. Be lucky I ate it, it could've been there for IRL Days.

I also forget that you can't just spectate me, at least, I don't think you can. I'm guessing that you just turned yourself invisible and followed me all the way from my book run to to mall.